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About Packaging Failures: The Largest Source of Sterility Recalls


“Sterility Recalls” is a disturbing issue within the healthcare industry. “The largest source of sterility recalls [80% according to some sources] is packaging failures. Packaging design has to match product complexity.


In the changing landscape of the healthcare industry, one major change is the increase in more complex products including:


i) Combination products, such as the pairing of a delivery device and a pharmaceutical


ii) The growth of kits, and larger products made up of more items connected together whereby reducing the amount of manipulation and handling required by healthcare


iii) More microbiologic-centric products like skin tissues.


More complex products mean packaging/sterilization pros must consider more complex material structures, and understand that materials and products are likely to be more sensitive to sterilization.


Another part of the changing healthcare landscape is regulatory compliance. Major Factors Responsible for Packaging Failure Recalls:


  • Lack Of Technical Expertise: Technical talent require thorough on-the-job training and expertise.

  • Not Validated Packaging Processes

  • Inappropriate Sealing

  • Supplier Quality Issues

  • Batch Sizes For Testing: Which may cover the issues such as no. of batches of materials to be used, sterilization stresses to be placed on packaging, etc.

  • Testing And Packaging Of Product With The Maximum Stress Exposure

  • It may be useful to test the product in the package, even though testing just the packaging is a simpler, less costly process.

Sterility assurance and packaging professionals need to work together to make sure that the testing performed will provide a safe and effective package.


(Abstracted from Presentation by Joyce Hansen, V.P. of sterile process technology, Johnson & Johnson as reproduced in


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