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About The Ageing Population In Europe

Europe is characterised by the general phenomenon of ageing societies. This trend can be observed throughout the EU , but is more profound in the north-western states than in the Mediterranean states. In The Netherlands , for example , some 3 million people or 20 percent of the population , is aged 55 or above and their share in the total population will continue to grow well into this century. These elderly people form an interesting market segment.Not only because of their growing number but also because of their considerable spending power. One has to bear in mind that these elderly people have specific demands for clothing , personal care products , convenience products and the like.

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About Hypotension and Bedside Leukocyte Reduction Filters

FDA has alerted on adverse events involving the use of leukocyte reduction filters. The alert is for the possibility that patients who receive blood products transfused through a bedside leukocyte reduction filter may develop a precipitous drop in blood pressure. These reactions have a rapid onset. In some cases, patients also develop respiratory distress and shock. In most situations, the reactions resolve when the transfusion is discontinued and when appropriate medical intervention is performed.

Since 1994, FDA has received over 80 reports of patients developing significant hypotensive events while receiving blood products transfused through a bedside leukocyte reduction filter. It is estimated that approximately 20 million bedside leukocyte reduction filters were used during this period.

The reactions occurred with a variety of blood products, although the majority of events occurred during platelet transfusions. The common variable in almost all of the hypotensive events appeared to be bedside leukocyte reduction filtration.

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